Monday, May 28, 2007


So we are hanging out in the town of Elst, in the Netherlands. We are staying at my great aunt and uncle's house, which is a super nice change from the hostels we have frequented as of late. It is really enjoyable to be able to sit back and visit with alot of relatives I have never met before, but I think my kidneys are having to work hard with all the tea and coffee I have consumed. I like it, though. We spent one night visiting a friend near Hamburg, Germany. We went to a birthday party and were surprised to see the food. Instead of chips and chocolate there was probably five different kinds of salad along with cheese and meatballs. Most people seemed to load up with salad. It seemed strange to us, but then again, it is North America with the obesity problem, so I think more salad would be a good idea.

Now we have mere days left in our trip. we go to Amsterdam on Wednesday, fly from Schiphol to Gatwick, then Gatwick to Halifax on Thursday.

See ya,


Ps. If my mother is reading this, I have tried twice now to send an email, but first my hotmail account wouldn't send it (a few days ago) and then I accidentally somehow exited the window of my other account. now I am tired, so I am going to bed. I'll try another one sometime soon

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