Saturday, June 2, 2007


so we are now back on Canadian soil. We spent an afternoon in Amsterdam walking around and doing some shopping. It is kind of a crazy city. Totally a different culture and attitude towards alot of different things. There were many things you just kind of shake your head at, but as a tourist there for only a few hours, I just wanted to observe without passing too much judgment. An interesting time. We stayed at a hotel near the airport which was pretty cheap (for europe and close to an airport). It actually turned out to be a super nice, fancy place, so we got a good sleep. Thursday morning we took a shuttle to the airport then flew from Amsterdam to London Gatwick. After a layover there, we flew to Halfax, arriving in the early evening. There seems to be tons of people here who are super interested in our trip, so I think we are going to have many opportunities to show pictures and tell stories. I'm still trying to figure out what I am going to do next, but I am leaning towards spending a few days in Toronto before heading to Winnipeg and then finally Saskatchewan. But I'll see.

see ya,


1 comment:

Starr said...

hey hey hey Nolan. You probably won't check this anymore now, but sounds like you had an awesome time, I can't believe you're back already! When will you be back in Sask, and will you be in Saskatoon for the summer or at home? I really want to see your pics and show you mine, if you're not too tired of talking about it :P laters.