Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Back Again

So I'm not sure if anyone still reads or will read this thing, but I think there may be a few people. Anyway, I arrived in Prague a few days ago. The trip was pretty non-eventful. I met another med student from Winnipeg in Minneapolis because he was wearing the ubiquitous first year green backpack, so that was kind of cool. Today I spent some time in the OR watching a hip replacement and a knee replacement. Not speaking the Czech language, I feel that most people either view me as a mute who can only shrug his shoulders and make vague arm movements or mentally challenged. Hopefully, I can improve my perceived reputation. Prague is really a nice city. The old part is very well preserved and is super fun to walk around in. Unfortunately, tens of thousands of other tourists also feel the same way. But I guess that's how it goes. There is this clock that all the guide books pump up as being super cool. In reality I think it's a sham, but thousands of people cram into a small area to watch at the top of the hour. I suspect thousands of wallets go simultaneously missing when the clock strikes. I've taken a few pictures, but nothing too exciting yet.

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